Light source dimensions : 40.7 mm x 88.8 mm x 34.1 mm
Light source weight : 130 g
Sony ILX-511 Linear CCI
650 pixels
Pixel size
14 ¥ìm x 200 ¥ìm
Pixel well depth
62,500 electrons
Signal-to-noise ratio
250:1 (at full signal)
A/D resolution
12 bit
Corrected linearity
130 photons/count at 400 nm; 60 photons/count at 600 nm
Optical Bench
f/4, asymmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner
Focal length
42 mm input; 68 mm output
Entrance aperture
25 ¥ìm wide slit
Grating #2
OFLV filter
Fiber optic connector
SMA 905 to 0.22 numerical aperture single-strand optical fiber
Wavelength range
370 to 985 nm
(The actual range typically exceeds what's listed here. The range listed is where you will see changes as small as 0.01 absorbance units.)
Optical resolution
2.0 nm FWHM
Signal-to-noise ratio
300 :1 (at full signal)
A/D resolution
12 bit
Dark noise
3.2 RMS
Dynamic range
2 x 108; 1300 :1 for a single acquisition
Integration time
3 ms to 65 ms
Stray light
<0.05% @ 600 nm; <0.10% @ 435 nm
Dynamic range
2 x 108 (system), 1300 :1 for a single acquisition
07072 ¼¿ï½Ã µ¿ÀÛ±¸ ½Å´ë¹æ1°¡±æ 38 (½Å´ë¹æ 719¹øÁö µ¿Àۻ󶼺ô) 106µ¿ 209È£ (ÁÖ)¿ø¿ì½Ã½ºÅÛÁî TEL : 02-533-6720 FAX : 02-533-9614 Santevill 106-209, 38, Sindaebang1ga-gil, Dongjak, Seoul, 07072, South Korea
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