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Flow Injection Analysis System
Á¦Á¶»ç Fialab Instrument
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Example Analyte Combinations Throughput
Nitrate and Nitrite 240/hr
Nitrate and Ammonia 120/hr
Nitrate and Chloride 240/hr
Nitrate and Sulfate 120/hr
Ortho Phosphate and Nitrate 240/hr
Ortho Phosphate and Ammonia 120/hr
Bray Phosphate and Potassium 240/hr
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus
(with AIM600 digestor)
90/hr (after digestion)
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FIAlab-2600 Automated dual channel flow injection analysis system.¡¡ Six channel (eight channel available) peristaltic pump, 12 port, two position injector valve, fittings and tubing kit, sample loop, operation and experiments manuals. FIAlab for Windows software.
FIA-LOV-Dual injection valve.¡¡ Includes flow cells.
P600-20 SMA-terminated 600 micron fiber optic cables
USB4000 Dual channel S4000 spectrometer with USB interface, set to measure wavelengths between 350 to 1000 nm (software selectable). Also available for 200 to 850 nm ranges, please inquire.
LS-1 Tungsten halogen light source for ~360 nm to 2 mm
wavelength range
ASX-260 Random Access XYZ Sample Changer (180 samples, 10 standards)
ASX-520 Random Access XYZ Sample Changer (360 samples, 10 standards)
AIM-3200 Random Access XYZ Sample Changer (180 samples, 10 standards)
AIM-3300 Random Access XYZ Sample Changer (270 samples, 10 standards)
Dual-FC Dual Flowcells for extended dynamic range. Simultaneous use of a 1 cm and 10 cm flowcell, in series, offers a significantly increased dynamic range. Uses a dual channel spectrometer. Other flowcell length combinations can be used, please inquire.
SCSP-2500 Auto Dilutor - No need to prepare multiple standards, let the SCSP-2500 dilutor prepare the standards automatically. The SCSP-2500 aspirates standards and samples from autosampler, delivers the resulting sample? to the FIAlab-2500, filling the sample loop to? the desired dilution level.?? Accurate dilutions up to twenty fold. Easily create calibration curves from a single standard.
RQV The new Rapid Queuing Valve option allows assays of phosphate and ammonia to be performed at around nine seconds per sample with no loss of accuracy or sensitivity. Some limitations do apply, for instance the RQV is not compatible with the SCSP-2500 autodilutor option. Please inquire for additional information to see if the Rapid Queuing Valve will work with your specific application(s).
FTHEAT Flow through heater required for elevated temperature assays such as Ammonia. Temperature control from ambient up to 50 C. Accuracy is +/- 0.5 C. Coil is made from Teflon tubing 0.03 ID, total coil volume is approximately 700 microliters (other sizes available).
Flow CellsFlowcells from 1 mm to 10 cm optical path lengths
AS-VALVEAutomatic Shutdown Valve. At method completion, the AS-VALVE dual 3-way valve switches to rinse position for automatic removal of reagent(s) from manifold.
PMT-FLPhotomultiplier Based Flow Through Fluorometer
Misc. LampsUV and Visible light sources
AIM600Digestion System
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TEL : 02-533-6720  FAX : 02-533-9614
Santevill 106-209, 38, Sindaebang1ga-gil, Dongjak, Seoul, 07072, South Korea
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