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Multi-Syringe Flow Injection Analysis
Á¦Á¶»ç Fialab Instrument
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  • No need to ever replace expensive peristaltic pump tubing.
  • Precise speed and volume control, allowing methods to run in either continuous or stop flow mode.
  • Pulsation is all but eliminated, allowing smoother flow. This can be critical for ultra low level assays.
  • Relative flowrate between the channels is achieved by using different syringe sizes.
  • Less reagent is used than with classical peristaltic pump based FIA
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FIAlab-2700 Automated flow injection analysis system. Four channel (six channel available) peristaltic pump, six port, two position injector valve, fittings and tubing kit, sample loop, operation and experiments manuals. FIAlab for Windows software.
FIA-Lab-On-Valve Integrated manifold which mounts directly on the injection valve, and includes integrated flow cell
P600-20 SMA-terminated 600 micron fiber optic cables
USB4000 S4000 spectrometer with USB interface, set to measure wavelengths between 350 to 1000 nm (software selectable).
Also available for 200 to 850 nm ranges, please inquire.
LS-1 Tungsten halogen light source for ~360 nm to 2 mm
wavelength range
Dual-FC Dual Flowcells for extended dynamic range. Simultaneous use of a 1 cm and 10 cm flowcell, in series, offers a significantly increased dynamic range. Uses a dual channel spectrometer. Other flowcell length combinations can be used, please inquire.
FTHEAT Flow through heater required for elevated temperature assays such as Ammonia. Temperature control from ambient up to 50 C. Accuracy is +/- 0.5 C. Coil is made from Teflon tubing 0.03 ID, total coil volume is approximately 700 microliters (other sizes available).
Flow Cells Flowcells from 1 mm to 10 cm optical path lengths
PMT-FL Photomultiplier Based Flow Through Fluorometer
Misc. Lamps UV and Visible light sources
AIM500 Digestion System for Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) assays of environmental, plant, and food samples
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TEL : 02-533-6720  FAX : 02-533-9614
Santevill 106-209, 38, Sindaebang1ga-gil, Dongjak, Seoul, 07072, South Korea
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